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You are viewing the full details of Jen, who is member id: US1381
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Jen is 30, and living in the Washington.

Jen's Profile
How to come up with words that will induce you to write is the question of the hour and more of a challenge that I would have guessed. Most of my friends who’ve I’ve told about signing up for online dating tell me I’m trying too hard and that if I stop trying he’ll materialize—that seems too much like a rabbit out of a magician’s hat for my taste--too much illusion and not enough substance. I tend to be down to earth and yet very abstract and eccentric at times—it can be a juggling act occasionally but someone has to do it. I prefer deep thinking to shallow any day of the week and cannot understand why anyone would spend all day talking about meaningless things like the current sales on clothes. Now sales at Home Depot I can get into. My goal in life is to expand my horizons and to break out of the traditional female roles. I can fix my own broken sink thank you, I don’t need a handyman. What I do need is a partner who is willing to pitch in, who is willing to break past the gender roles imposed on males and most of all who not only can carry on a meaningful conversation but also knows that life should be about laughter and the small things. I tend to notice details that others don’t and find fascination in small coincidences. I don’t want to take my life for granted and so things like the beauty in a leaf or the petal of a flower can become a focus of meditation. I use every experience in my life as a learning experience and an opportunity for self-growth as well as a deepening of the knowledge of my soul. That sounds rather trite but I don’t have any other words—a linguist I am not. I work in an emergency room so having beautiful language is not something that is needed on a day to day basis, however being able to get my point across efficiently and quickly is something I know how to do. So if any of this resonates or sparks questions, well you get the drift. If not I wish you luck in your search…

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